Welcome to Horizon West
Horizon West provides comprehensive services in landscape construction, maintenance, and irrigation.
Our divisions are equipped to construct, irrigate, and maintain any project. Guided by our hands-on Director, Managers, and Site Supervisors, who bring many years of experience, Horizon West boasts a commendable track record of delivering a wide array of private and government projects to an exceptionally high-quality standard.

Horizon West has a track record of delivering on a wide range of Local and State Government landscape and irrigation projects.
The projects include streetscapes, parklands, golf courses, public buildings (schools, offices, recreation centres), entry statements, and revegetation.
Clear communication processes, extensive capability and robust safety and procedural policies support our ability to confidently deliver on large government projects.

The development of new subdivisions in the northern and southern corridors of Perth and some satellite towns is a source of ongoing demand for Horizon West’s scope of integrated landscape and irrigation services.
We have established a strong reputation in this area as land development companies have appreciated the benefits of our integrated capabilities. Horizon West offers land developers and other commercial organisations a total project management service from the initial design service, through to commissioning and ongoing maintenance.

We often work with landscape architects to assist them with delivering their vision to their clients. In these cases the architect is usually the project manager and we ensure that the channels of communication are always open and the project plan is strictly adhered to.
Throughout every stage of these projects we remain very aware that we are representing the brand values and reputation of our clients.